Feb 23, 2009 17:07
i spend all my time wanting to get just a little closer to her. its unhealthy i guess. i don't know if the best solution is to get over her or to reach out to her. i feel really angry. in the time that we were engaged, and waiting to graduate because her parents told her to graduate before we get married, dozens of couples have gotten married. if suddenly one of the people in any said couple said "i need space," nobody would get upset at the partner and say "GIVE HIM/HER SPACE JERK."
I waited, I tried to do things right. Everyone else thinks we weren't serious, or something, and now everyone else says we need to give space or call it over or something stupid like that. It's so frustrating. I'm scared that everyone is telling Adrianne to get space or get over me or something worse, and I'm powerless to stop such a stupid, painful mistake. And if I try, I'm a jerk.
Again, its so frustrating. I just want to say it over and over and over. I want to get it all out here because if I get it out while talking to someone else, I get all sorts of advice from people who shouldn't be giving advice and they get upset or don't want to hear about it. I'm tired of sharing my feelings with other people. I used to trust other people, but now I realize half the time they are more wrong than I am.
Frustrating! Why can't I just call her, say "don't give up, I'll always be here for you, and we'll get through this!" Why can't we fix things? So frustrating. I just want to call her and tell her how important she is to me without fearing retribution. So frustrating! She means the world to me, as she always has, and I need to sit here and let her get over me. Frustrating.
There is no need for this.