Sep 24, 2003 20:04
............Okay---heres the story..............
So i go to school yesterday, and i am actually having a pretty good day. First block goes alright, and so does second. Third block is okay---kinda boring so i lay down in the floor. It was almost time for lunch so i reach up both arms and marney gets on one arm and mo gets on the other, they were just gonna hoist me up in the air. so the pull up on my arms and i went way up into the air. i dont really remember much after that until i woke up, but i was told that it looked like i done a big swan dive into the floor...headfirst. i remember going up into the air, then waking up and saying " tounge hurts" but nothing inbetween. but apparently i was out for about 2 minutes from what they tell me. the people in my spanish class all saw it and they all said that they thought that i had to be dead. BTW 'im glad im not---dead that is'. So anyway---i feel perfectly fine after that, except i keep seeing all of these stupid spots. Me and Snake go upstairs and apparently into Minions room--i dont really remember that much. after that i go back to spanish and eat a sub...that was really nasty....and then i went on to fourth block. During 4th block Mrs. Rife and Coach brings me an ice pack. then leaves. And no one would let me go to freaking sleep, they kept yelling at me. So Mrs. Rife comes back to get the warm ice pack and then leaves again. then after she leaves i turn my head and throw up in the floor which was just about the most embarassing thing i have ever then Mrs. Rife says that if you throw up after you hit your head as hard as i did. So she takes me to mom and me and mom and dad go to the emergency room in abingdon. They scanned my cat (cat scan) and told me that i would have a headache for about 4 days and that mom would have to wake me up every 2 hours just to make sure that i could wake up.
---so that was a pretty exciting day.
---im really sore and my head hurts.