Holy God I am alive

Jan 04, 2009 19:54

And class starts on Thursday... Ugh why was the break so short???
I have just been so crazy hectic I haven't update anything. Plus I have no comp and no internet at my new place. But I am free and I live with 2 awesome peoples. So it's okay. Let's see. Christmas was alright. Same as always. Work is getting better. I'm gradually getting more hours, sometimes, and my ex-roommate good buddy Jess gives me her hours sometimes. Everybody knows I'm poor as dirt so they try to help me out. Unfortunately, my promotion is not happening...and it's been SIX MONTHS. Anger. But there's nothing anyone can do about it in my store. They would if they could. It's all the corporate machine.

What else? My writing inspirations came back full burst for a long time, and now it's dead again. I still have only one piece for my next cosplay, and no extra money. Oh well. Hopefully by next AWA... That's 9 months. I hope that's enough time. Haha. Wish me luck with that. As well as everyone in my Cosplay family.

List of what I need:
Uniform (~$200)
Sienna-brown male wingtips (~Hopefully less than $100)
Tattoo supplies (stencil, marker)
Earrings (must custom make them)
Wig (~$50)
Two sets of Contacts (if I can find the right color)
Finish detailing my gun

I am going to be Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight. W00t! I can't wait.
Anywho, not much else going on. Everyone at my house is still getting along, as far as I know. It takes a lot to bother me or get under my skin. We need to clean more often, but yeah. Zekiel, one of my cats, keeps me up at night which is pissing me off.

Good news--my parents have agreed to help me buy a MacBook for Christmas!! ^_^ Squee!! I can't wait to get that, either. I'm so scared though because I've never used Apple, only Windows. >_< But I can't bear it if I get a new laptop and it breaks again.

Anyway, I've said all I can think of. Later!
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