Nov 05, 2008 10:37
Well, it's happened.
My worst fears, and yet I knew it was inevitable, have occurred. That fucking guy is our president.
God help us all.
All I can say is, I knew it was coming, what with the ignorant, racist, stupid fucking masses sucking his tiny cock for the past few months.
Like he's even said a single credible thing. All he's done is make sweet promises with honeyed words. He's a skilled speaker, and apparently that's all it takes to win people over. Such a shame. Need I remind you of a certain someone named Hitler who also won over a country with his words? His empty, ungrounded words? I wish people would read their damn history books. Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. And it's happening now, in my lifetime. Shameful.
The terrorists are tossing confetti and dancing in their deserts right now. They've been waiting for this to happen. Because Obama is going to do exactly what he said about terrorism--nothing. He's going to suck their dicks and let them walk all over us.
All I can do is stock up on ammo and batten down the hatches. The apocalypse is coming, or at least the prelude to it. Soon all our women will be either dead or veiled, and all our men will be dying in vain in a war that could have been prevented. Our troops' sacrifices all these past years will count for naught. All their hard work, their effort, their selflessness, will be flushed down the toilet as if meaningless. Morale will fall even lower in the military. People these days already are losing their respect for our military--which is the singlemost thing that fucking preserves our way of life, the freedoms we enjoy.
I'm scared. Scared of this man's potential for utter takeover. Scared because I know all these people will bow to him as if he were a gift from god. Scared of the church-fulls of people already signing hymns in his name. Scared that he has the talents to dupe us all. He's already gotten this far.
What a shitty day I'm having.
This has only begun. Soon I won't even be able to own a gun for self-protection, which will only make the terrorists even happier. We might as well roll out a red carpet and welcome them over. Don't people understand that he's worked with terrorits before? That he was raised Muslim? That he's dangerously passive with regards to those murderous psychopaths? You can't BE passive with these kinds of people. They don't hear reason. They don't show mercy. They cannot be placated with anythign less than death. It's the way they were taught, they way they live.
And it's not just that they hate us snooty Americans, or whatever you call it--they hate our entire way of life. There's nothing to change their minds. Does anybody besides me fucking remember a little something called 9/11?? Hellooooo, anyone? I know it happened like 8 years ago and all, but, um, try to remember. And I don't care what you or anyone says--when those towers fell, every one of us wanted to make those bastards pay. Do you forget it was a unanimous decision in Congress to go to war? Hmm, yeah. Bet you forgot. It wasn't all Bush's doing, you know. He does need the approval of our Congress, which is represented by both spectrums. Just because he's a poor public speaker doesn't make him the bane of existence that people portray him as. It was exactly the opening Obama needed.
And all our work overseas trying to rebuild, tryig to help, trying to work in order to leave them with justification, trying to get them back on their feet after years and years of living under an inhumane dictator, will be wasted. It will be Vietnam all over AGAIN. Nobody reads their history books, apparently. Nobody. Does anyone remember Vietnam, either? How about Korea? Hellooooo, anyone? I guess not.
It's a sad, sad day for America--for the world. Wave goodbye to your happy life, your everyday freedoms, your personal security. I can only hope it doesn't implode as badly as I am expecting it to. I can only hope that my home and my family will remain as secure as it's always been. I can only hope that it isn't as bad as I fear. I can only hope, because you idiots voted him in, and now it's too late.
Stock up the shotgun shells and lock the doors, my friends.
May God have mercy on our poor, stupid souls.