May 31, 2006 11:51
A good friend of mine forwarded me an SMS yesterday... "The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love loving someone else"
After reading her message, I texted her and asked her what's wrong... and she replied... "That's how my life works... that's the way it is and that's the way it will always be" I felt bad after reading her message not because we're at the same state but from the story of her life... I really feel her pain and depression. I'm scared... I've felt this before and it's terrible. How can you stop something unforseen... something that can happen with a snap of a finger? When will I know if I've done enough to make the person I love really happy... or maybe happiness is so immeasurable that you cannot set limits? How do you balance it? I wish it's as simple as Nescafe 3-in-1... all you need to do is add water and you have your instant coffee. When will I make the right cup of coffee? So many questions... so little time to think about it... Mag starbucks na lang kaya ako? hmmm...