Jun 27, 2007 11:59
Well, it is officially my due date today and no baby yet! I am getting very anxious and excited at the same time. I am feeling many different emotions at the same time, some of which I have never experienced before. My main issue right now is not being in control of the situation. I have no say as to when or how this baby is going to come into the world and it is kind of freaking me out! I have had many dreams about how she is going to be born, but then I wake up and realize that she's still not here yet.
I have a dr's appt tomorrow, so if she still isn't here yet, the dr will then determine what the next course of action is. Last time I went to the dr, which was last Friday, they told me that I was 3 cm dialated and about 90% effaced. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I need to be 10 cm dialated and 100% effaced for her to be able to come out safely. The dr will check me tomorrow and see how far I have progressed. They told me that I should have started feeling contractions by now, but I haven't, so I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. We will see I guess!
On a very happy note, our ferret Polly got her stitches out yesterday and she seems to be doing really well. She is starting to act like her old self again and that is awesome! She apparently put up a pretty good fight when they took her stitches out. It took 3 people to hold this 3 pound ferret tight enough to do what they needed to do. I wish I could have seen it.
Right now, we are just waiting and hoping for our little one to make an appearance. I have been going stir crazy, and it's only been a week since I stopped working. I shouldn't complain, because soon enough, I will have plenty to do to keep me busy! I can't wait though. I can tell she wants to come out as much as we want her to, because she has been kicking up a storm and she's so big that the kicking has been in my ribs! They guess that she is about 8 pounds right now, so we will see.
That's the updates from the Braden end. Hope all of you are doing well and are having a good summer! We will keep you posted and maybe I will even be able to post some pictures of our gorgeous baby girl!