so here's something:
i'm detoxing? on a formula of which many of you have probably heard
it is called the "master cleanse/lemonade diet," wherein for at least 10 days (or so the "directions" say), i consume nothing but a quart of salt water in the morning, 60-120 ounces of water with lemon juice, grade b organic maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, and then at night drink "laxative tea." (note: this tea is called "smooth move" on the box, which i find enjoyable.)
so. we'll see how this goes. i hope that i don't gnaw off my hand. coming off it is rough, too, because for the first day or so i can have only orange juice, and then vegetable soup, and then soup with crackers. and i'm going to take some acidopholous, because, really, in this detox i imagine i'm eliminating all the good bacteria in my intestines, so this will fix that.
i started yesterday.. i'll probably last through tomorrow. ha. i'm shooting for 5 days, or, ideally, from when my tongue turns from white to pink.
please, control your urge to fuck me.
in other news, here are some pictures from my
this is a birthday present: a puzzle of a photo of me
these are people putting together said puzzle (it looks empty in the background i know but there were more people there i promise):
this is bailey being stressed:
this is shot-taking:
whitney gave me ingredients to make car bombs, mmm delicious:
i don't know what i'm doing:
some collection of people at the end of the night, or, rather, the end of the 'party':
stephanie's tshirt was a big hit, or, with kaveh:
and, finally, my gracious hosts: