Here goes my once a week update. Yippie!
Not much has happened this week, other than the fact that today is Halloween. I sent in my voter stuff, hopefully it'll get home by tuesday so that my vote will count. Many people have been asking who I'm going to vote for. All I know is I don't wanna tell ANYBODY!!! And it doesn't matter who I'm voting for, as long as I'm voting. My vote isn't personal, it's just none of your busniess.
I "just finished" watching Bravo's 100 scariest movies. The Top Three are:
- Jaws
- Alien
- The Exorcist
For me, it would probably be:
- AlienS
- Jaws
- The Ring
However, that's only because I haven't seen most of the movies on the list. So my list whould be short, where as Bravo would have a huge pile of movies to draw from. Guess I'll change the order of my NetFlix Queue to include more scary movies at the top.
Note to self: Memorize lines BEFORE play begins. Otherwise many, many people will get pissed and you'll look like a dumb ass.
On another note, I had a great talk with ______ (insert whatever name you wish here) on tuesday. ______ called at 12:30ish and we talked for about three hours till I told ______ that I had to wake up early for my class at 8 o'clock. But I will probably call ______ some time soon and have another great conversation.
Also, eat some good pizza sometime soon. It does wonder for your health. I was sick and now NO MORE!!!! Haha, j/k. However I personally feel much better because of it. It's not a comfort food. It's just GOOD food.
Well this update was kind of lame. I think I'm just keeping up appearances.
(btw, have you actually LOOKED at this picture?)