Man, I signed onto every internet chat type thing I could think of that you had just so I could talk to you but I waited a while to make sure that I didn't sign on just to talk to you so that I could play it cool but now you're gone and I'm all like "SHITCOCKBALLS" and wanted to talk to you. WTF?! WHY DIDN'T I JUST TALK TO YOU RIGHT AWAY?!?! *sigh* I need to work on my timing...
I only saw you last friday, but MAN do I miss you mucho. This is weird. I just need to take it off of fifth gear and go back to 2nd. Slow it down in my mind. Stop freakin' out. Cuz it's gonna get the best of me.
"I think I'm spinless I'm going insane!!!" - Office Space soundtrack
"1) If knowing you makes me a better person and knowing me makes you a better person, we should be friends.
2) If any of the above is untrue, we're better off not knowing each other." - Paul Talosig
"It takes more effort to dislike someone than it does to like some one" - Cynthia Chin
Quoted for truth.