Jun 21, 2010 19:01
- 21:55 @ twirlygirlmuse Woo! #
- 07:56 will have a hard time getting stuff done today with me having next week off! #
- 10:24 keeps hearing awesome things about the A-Team movie, so I'm hoping I may get to a matinee of it next week! #
- 10:48 RT @LoSPpodcast Episode 89 - The Great Darkness Saga Part 2: A Sign of Darkness Dawning is now available! tinyurl.com/28o9g8h #
- 12:42 is one step closer to scheduling an interview with someone who can only be described as a legend. #
- 12:46 @ geekomancer @_Sluggo While TT is my favorite Legion villain ever, I'm hoping that he stays gone for a while. #
- 12:46 @ _Sluggo I'd love to interview the Santa Claus from the Mexican Santa Claus movie! #
- 12:54 @ geekomancer @_Sluggo Here's hoping! What I want to see is a kickass Levitz arc centered around Mordru. Haven't seen that yet! #
- 12:57 @ geekomancer @_Sluggo I really, really enjoyed the Mordru story around Legionnaires 50. Prior to that, what is there? The JLA/JSA crossover? #
- 13:27 @ geekomancer @_Sluggo While a good Universo story would be awesome, I think Levitz has already done *the* Universo story. Let's mix it up! #
- 13:39 @ geekomancer @_Sluggo Let's petition DC for "The Lori Morning Project". #
- 14:34 @ soundopinions LOVED the "Guilty Pleasures" show. My biggest guilty pleasures are Neil Diamond and Lady Gaga. Yeah, I said it! #
- 14:47 @ B3ckyJ A couple weeks ago someone was SHOCKED they were sent home for dress code violations wearing pajama pants to work. SERIOUSLY? #
- 15:25 @ B3ckyJ One would think so! #
- 15:46 @ RachelTennyson8 Rewatching Firefly is one of the ideas I have had for my facation next week. Finishing GTA 4, reread LoTR... What to do!!! #
- 15:49 had no idea that I had Coolio's "C U When U Get There" on my iPod. #
- 16:07 @ RachelTennyson8 Probably! I think Serenity is awesome and may prefer it over the series itself. While I loved FF, it was very oddly paced. #
- 16:26 @ RachelTennyson8 I doubt I will ever be able to shake some of the truly awful experince that was watching it as it orignally aired. #
- 16:27 needs to stop slacking and get around to finishing getting this interview written up for the @LoSPpodcast website. #
- 17:18 @ RachelTennyson8 It really didn't make sense. Episodes were completely out of order, weird cuts were made. It was just bizarre. #
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