In the wee hours of the morning, a not-so-wee entry.

Jun 01, 2009 22:53

Friday was a landmark day. Truly it was.

I took the bus down to school even though my last class was on Wednesday. Salina was graduating. What she was going to do afterwards, I didn't know, because I'd recently heard that (despite getting into the film school) CSULB had changed its GPA requirement to .13 above her score.

I got to the school and wandered around the parking lots and campus for about 15 minutes before seeing on an electronic marquee that the graduation was across the street at the fairgrounds. When I got there, at 3 like Salina said the tailgate party would start, there were like 5 cars in the parking lot. I was a little worried about this, so I started pacing up and down the parking lot waiting for word form either her or Catie on what was going on.

Mind you, I was intent on heading straight from graduation to Repo!, so I was dressed in a suit with a plastic knife and a sonic screwdriver in my pocket, and I'm pretty sure I looked quite out of place to the security guards. That would have been a pleasant affair for everyone, I'm sure.

Luckily I saw Catie and her family with Salina setting up their tailgate just before the terror alert squad was called. This was where the landmarkedness began.

Let me explain something here: Of the Torchwood Kids, I'm without a doubt closest to Salina, Catie, and Amy. Jess and Alix are both great, but I don't think either of them would jump at the idea of hanging out with me without the rest of the team, which I'm not going to complain about. Of the three who I am close to, I've hung out with them each since Gallifrey ended. Catie I saw last Wednesday when I rescued her from boredom in Salina's class with catching up. Salina I saw when we both worked on a student film another friend was doing. And Amy I've seen a lot, obviously. But since Gallifrey, I'd only seen any of them on their own. Never Catie and Salina, never Salina and Amy. So this was the first time I got to see any of that Torchwood Kids dynamic that we all love so much. It was pretty awesome.

We talked for about an hour about Doctor Who and Torchwood and Repo stuff, and there was plenty to talk about on each front. Karen Gillan had just been announced as the 11th Doctor's companion (and I've already tapped Kit to play the part so that I won't be without a partner in cosplaying Smith's Doctor), there was a new trailer out for Children of Earth that made it out to be the most intense stuff the team's yet to face, and the LA Shadowcast had just announced it was moving to a new theater, having outgrown the Laemmle Sunset 5 (take THAT, The Room!).

We talked cosplay. We talked fandom. We talked jokes.

Oh yeah, and we talked Salina's rejection from CSULB getting overturned and James Moran not having to kill anyone after all.

That was pretty big.

So eventually Salina had to sign in and me and Catie and her family went into the amphitheater. There were somewhere around 500 people walking of 2000 someodd graduates. First we were treated to a barely recognizeable and off-tune and off-rhythm wind section rendition of "You Know My Name" from Casino Royale, then several significantly better-rehearsed pieces and medleys followed. I noticed that I knew the drummer, he's one of my and Marty's friends, that was kind of cool.

I won't talk much about the graduation itself since that went through just like every other graduation. Afterwards we met up with Salina's family (who Catie spotted partway through the speeches) and spent about half an hour taking pictures with her. Then we all headed back to Catie's place, where Amy was already waiting for us. Needless to say, that alone helped push forward the landmarkedness. But even moreso because now there were the three Torchwood Kids I was close to all in one place.... though it was a little horrifying when we all pieced together that it wasn't just Jess and Alix that were missing, but Owen and Tosh. Apparently this has happened a lot to them recently.

After about an hour at Catie's house (during which time we watched the Torchwood trailer on Catie's effin insane screen and Amy put on a jacket Catie had found that works wonderfully for Series 3 Gwen), we left for BJ's.

Er, no. That came out wrong.

We head-

No. Don't want to use the word "head" and "BJ's" in the same sentence either.


So we... ahem... went to the restaurant.... I think you all know which one.... where, penniless, I munched on the appetizers and waited for Kip and Daniel to pick me up for Repo, which unfortunately Salina and Catie and Amy wouldn't be able to go to this time. But they said definitely next time. Picking me up took about an hour, and that was a damn fun hour. When they did pick me up and I said goodbye to everyone, the landmarkedness was pushed further by the tiniest of gestures. I love it when that happens.

So we made it to Repo just in time. No Darren/Terrance/Alexa/Bill/Tony this time, and a good portion of the shadowcast was replaced with underrehearsed understudies, but it was a damn good show, all things considered. Some excellent bits, some fantastic callbacks, and lots of new blood in the seats.

Oh god. That sounds wrong as well. And tampon-wrong is even worse than blowjob-wrong.

Anyway, after the show I hung around outside and took about a million attempts at pictures with the Twuigis: two 17 year old girls coincidentally both named Dani K who share the role of Luigi in the shadowcast. One of them is a Torchwood fan, as it turns out, and though I only showed her the pic online I'm pretty sure I could still see her jaw drop when she saw what a dead ringer Amy is for Eve.

Much to Kip and Daniel's chagrin, we went to IHOP to hang out with the Repo Shadowcast further. They're an amazingly fun group of people, and next time when we have multiple rides to shuttle the early-to-bedder's off before 3 in the morning I'm definitely planning on sticking around longer.

So that was my landmark Friday. Probably the most awesomes I've had packed into one day since February, and it's taken me until now to process it all.

graduation, salina, repo, amy, catie

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