Jan 30, 2005 21:58
Ok lets start thursday,
Went out to finns lots of my friends played at jam night so was good fun and got to see some peeps i don't see too often! Was all-good, everyone was going on about Team America, and its not like i can be arsed to see it in the cinema, anyone got a pirate to lend me??
Friday i got home from college and the house stunk of fuel, so did the next-door neighbours, someone had been fixing their car near so i thought nothing of it, aired out my mums house. Cooked dinner (naked flame... could of exploded if i realised the seriousness at this point) and then went out. Friday night was fun, saw lots of people, including MARCCC! As well as lots of chicks in skirts, even Naomi, which was unexpected, a pleasant surprise heheee! Got home and fell a sleeep due to amounts of alcohol and probably the fuel vapour helped.
Woke up saturday, earlyish 9, as i needed a shower before lifting the bottom up to dry (it leaks... need plumber, so need to let floor dry for him) when i got out the shower i suddenly noticed how strong the fuel vapour smell was, kinda tired, i thought, shit i must still be tipsy as its early and i had like 5 hours sleep. So switched on computer (could of set fire off again...) 5 minutes later a fire engine comes screaming around my estates twisty roads, and pulls up by my house, and the lads jump out.... my neighbour had called it, the house was full of fumes, ha!!!
We presumed the guy fixing his car must of chucked fuel down the sewers, so they searched the sewers for it, nothing found. I noticed the smell was coming from spare plumbing in my kitchen (for extra dishwasher etc. other appliance), i said perhaps there was no water trap (U-bend) but the fire brigade was like, the plumber who built the house wouldn't get away with that. So they radioed for the emergency british gas van, he attended, testing the ags meters, wasn't natural gas, but apparently similar thing happened in bridport, and sometimes the water in the water trap (that prevents gases coming from sewers) can evaporate on un-used plumbing! HA!
So filled it with water, and called wessex water out and also the environmental emergency line, apparently environmental scientists don't work weekends, so he’s coming monday... great emergency line... I ended up staying over a mates (Joffs) all weekend, not getting much done. Its Sunday and it still smells a tiny bit, nothing like saturday, so i presume the water trap worked after re filling with like 3 pints of water. And there concludes my excitingly frustrating weekend.