Jan 26, 2005 15:11
Hello people,
Ok, before you read this, i am a relatively good mod, so don't take my bitching as if i am anoyed, well i am, but ina none depressed way, but a, this world is really gay, set fire to the american flag and listen to soem hardcore tunes way.
First thing first, i have learnt in my most rescent maturity spurt since i cam eback from Spain that girls seem to muck guys aroudn alot, is there some twisted joy in this? In writing that sentance i realise each tiem i come back from goign abroad by my lonesome i seem to weild my maturity much more, maybe its the sense of freedom i get lets me explore my own inlightenment?
Next anoying thing, the new SoaD song Cigaro has been on Radio1 apparently (don't listen to the radio, a less i ever get a presenter job on it, it sucks) and this is bad, because of mminimoshers, like my last girlfriend, who would think these kidn of bands suck and wouldn't udnerstand them if the media doesn't tap into their mind. The power of the media is incredible, it taps into all of us in some way, i admit i can't help watching the news on TV, it interests me, but i also look for the morale behind eahc situation, like there was a apparently "amusing" piece on how a £30 fine for a driver who was eating an apple by driving took the police to court, costing the police a grand in collecting evidence (via helicoper etc.) when really i think the girl should of accepted the charge and be glad that there are people like traffic police who live to try and save peoples lives, other peoples lives, they don't do it for their benefit directly!
Anyway, microphone stands cost £20... they're like a few pipes of metal, some washers and bolts, and a lick of blakc paint, rediculous. Gonna go play some Netropolis this afternoon as i have nothing better to do, pfff, laters!