One of the projects I've been involved in over the past year or so is
London Hackspace. Basically,a load of geek have grouped together and formed a social club with lots of cool kit - laser cutters, lathes, pillar drills, electronics stuff, etc.
Last night, one other member and I gave a series of talks on speech and language: etymology, forensic linguistics, conlangs, speech synthesis, BSL and IPA. It was awesome, awesome fun. For those of you who missed it but might like to have seen any of these topics then they were recorded and put online at . I'm hoping to get them edited and cut into topic segments, but for the impatient feel free to dive right in.
My mum (a fellow polyglot and linguaphile) and my sister (who took photos) both came along, and after we went out for a wonderful Vietnamese meal. I got in around 1am, not able to sleep due to buzzing with adrenaline and enthusiasm.
A++ would do again.