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Aug 11, 2007 12:45

bmovie last night was great fun. Was good to meet flannelcat and practice some BSL. I keep meaning to find a night class and brush up on my skills, but the way work is going at the moment I just don't have the energy to take on much more :-/

Today I'm off to Edgware, Stanmore and Elstree on a ringing outing. Looking forward to this as it's the first big association event I'll be attending since starting to teach the new folk from the start of the year. It's doubly exciting as until I came along, the bells hadn't been rung regularly for about 30 years. It'll be a good opportunity to forge links with other people in the district. Hmm. I should eat and head out - I need to be at Edgware at 3pm.

Housey stuff: Had a wasp person in on Thursday. I think that bees/wasps are one of my only phobias. I used to be sligtly uneasy around dogs, but that seems to have subsided in recent years. Chimney repair guy isn't coming today, and will come on Monday instead.

Heading to Wales for Bicon on Thursday! Rar. I so need this break. Plus it'll be a great opportunity to catch up with people that I've not seen for far too long.

A work machine has died, and annoyingly it can't be fixed remotely. Thankfully it can wait until I get back this evening, though it'll mean heading all the way into town, a few minutes work there (I hope) and then trek all the way back.

bmovie, busy, social, ringing, bicon

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