Oct 14, 2006 22:02

Now that I've got your attention, this was the shout which emanated from behind us as xugglybug and I walked arm-in-arm out of Kings Cross station on our way to bmovie last night. It was only after we'd taken half a dozen steps that I worked out not only what had been said, but also that it was directed at us.

That's right, folks. Someone thought I was a lesbian.

It's perhaps a little understandable because I was in my long black coat which looks a little like a corset from the back due to the lacing.

bmovie itself was its usual vibrant self and it was great to catch up with the many people that I'd not seen for far too long.

* * *
Today was polyday and though we didn't make it there until midday it was a fab day. In the afternoon we played a few games of Fluxx and wandered off with flirtydaz to the south bank to go on the London eye. We'd been queueing for something in the order of 20 minutes and were about half way round when the bulding was evacuated. I suspect this was due to a bomb scare, but due to apathy we didn't hang around long enough to ascertain exactly why.

Whilst on this train of thought, I came up with the perhaps Draconian idea that leaving one's bags unattended should be a criminal offence. I hesitate because I don't quite agree with punishing forgetfulness, but I think that people would take more care if it were a crime. At the very least it might help recoup some of the losses. What do people think?

We wandered back via a cafe type place and got a bite to eat, but left due to fatigue around 1930-2000.

Sorry to those of you with whom I didn't get much of a chance to speak. I count myself lucky that I have such a large and friendly community in which there isn't the time to catch up with everyone.

bi, pub, busy, social, lgbt, katie, trollbait, ask lj

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