Past few days

May 04, 2005 22:48

UNaXcess meet XIII. Circa 30 members of my-other-online-haunt meet up in a city (which this time was Manchester) for a weekend of socialising face-to-face in pubs, clubs and restaurants. Details blurred, but much fun was had, including 6 hours of bad punning. I find it a curious that people who interact with each other often with such tension willingly meetup and yet almost invariable get on.

I also caught up with Russ and Ian and we watched the documentary - Ian hadn't seen it before.. Then we went out to a bar (whose name I forget, but it was near Grosvenor Street) which I must remember as it was very quiet and spacious, a rare thing for a weekend evening. I think that was on Saturday *shrug*

I've 3 previous weekends to write up, and fun though they were, they're a bit far away to be relevant so I shall backdate the entries so I don't spam your flist.

Knackered. Just got back from Caledonia. Decided to go via Edinburgh to meet up with people but exams were looming so I just got a haircut, browsed the city for a bit and then drove home. Got back about 9pm. Almost 500 miles since yesterday afternoon. Knackered. Oh, I already said that.

Tomorrow: Birmingham, I think.

When did I cease to be able to write coherent posts?

unaxcess, social

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