Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama
Now that that's out of the way, I have been unpacking and shit all day at my new apartment. I'm the only one here for today and tomorrow. Dan, Ari, and Erin move in on V FOR VENDETTA 2-DISC SPECIAL EDITION DAY so I have the new place to myself. I've been having my own little dance party today while putting stuff away, blasting music around and dancing and overall ridiculousness.
Watched Swordfish again the other day. Loved it.
Saw Scoop the other day. Loved it.
Saw American Psycho today. Liked it.
I love Christian Bale so much.
And Hugh Jackman.
What's that you say? They have a movie coming out together called
The Prestige?
I want it so bad?
This is all true.
I missed Entourage tonight :'(
My summer class final is tomorrow and I have done 0 studying.
Time to...not study some more.