mrsduck42 tagged me to post seven random things.
My father told me Greek myths and excerpts from the Odyssey as bedtime stories.
I never ate cafeteria food during school. I brought my lunch everyday until the ninth grade when my parents gave me two dollars to buy snacks from the vending machines. I stopped doing that in the tenth grade because I realized if I skipped lunch everday it was an extra ten dollars at the end of the week.
I bruise easily. This didn't stop me from being physically active during childhood. My parents were afraid they'd be accused of abuse because I was always coated in bumps and bruises.
I haven't had a traditional nightmare in several years. Dreams of violence and horror serve to hold my interest more than disturb me. It would surprise people to know the dreams that bother me.
I've been fencing on an amateur level since I was seven years old.
In kindergarten and pre-school I always took the same role when playing house. The teacher thought it odd that I always insisted on being the dog.
The farthest west I've traveled of the Mississippi River is Dallas, Texas.