Ahhh... morning coffee. They have unlimited free coffee here at the training center, but this morning I opted to head across the street and buy a cup of Starbucks coffee. The free coffee at the training center is somewhat bland, having approximately the same quality as Gas Station Coffee. Basically just a coffee pot next to a pile of styrofoam cups.
This leads us into today's streetfight:
Gas Station Coffee
Starbucks Coffee
Gas Station Coffee is probably the more rugged of the two, relying on is it's street smarts and natural toughness. A tenacity developed over years of living off its fists.
But taking on a behemoth like Starbucks Coffee will be no easy task, with it's vast resources, superior training, and Montgomery GI Bill for new recruits.
Remember, this isn't a taste competition. It's a competition between the meanest, grittiest Gas Station coffee, and the most highly trained Starbucks Coffee.
Your thoughts?