I updated some of my user info, because, well, why not?
I set out intending to make good use of this four-day weekend to begin, catch up on and/or complete several non-day job projects, including a story that was due on Friday. I also wanted to see one or a bunch of movies in the theater, and succeeded in accomplishing none of it.
I did, however:
Stay up till 4 AM every night and sleep till at least noon.
Make it out to two shows both with my friend and neighbor Toby.
Hear Slayer play several songs written in 1986
Run into my friend Dennis and pick his brain about Refused and INC
Debate punk politics, after running into Dennis, with another major label punker
Tell my friend Jamey how much he inspired me after I got out of the hospital. If he can take care of five things - band, website, show, daughter, management - I can handle it, too.
Talk smack to Mike Ski
Eat Real Food Daily
Buy Duran Duran and Ramones records
Wish Fireball Ministry farewell before they leave for Europe
Hold Toby and Moon's baby Max
Get the new Revolver with Bleeding Through inside for free
Hang out with one of my best friends, James, for the first time in forever
Make plans for the "LOTR" premiere
Run into Dino (ex-Fear Factory) and not feel like a kid around him anymore
Watch "Showdown in Little Tokyo" ... Twice
Play a PS2 game more than once
See a drunken Slayer fan old enough to be a teenaged kids dad get stabbed by three Slaytanic Hispanics after he picked a fight with one of them
Break in a new sweatshirt
Talk to my friends Neal and Mani
Marvel at what an incredible writer Neal has become
Obssess over Adriana Lima, my new #1 celebrity crush
Laugh heartily with my friends Jim and Emily
Play air-guitar to Machine Head around the house wearing only a towel
Avoid driving both Friday and Saturday while being driven around
Think about hanging up the pictures in my room
Pay my rent for December a day early
Watch the end of "Back to the Future 3"
Talk to my friend Rocky (see my second or third entry) for the first time in about two years
All in all I'd say I needed, well, all of it, so it was well worth it.
There's always time for work.
And working out. Now it's time to watch "Fists of Fury" and fall asleep.
Bruce Lee was making that shit two years before I was born. That's hard, yo.