Feb 28, 2012 10:17
I'm still around but not really on here or Facebook all that often. I do tweet though, so that's some form of social media particpation. I still read LJ about once a week or so (still able to catch up on all my friend updates). Things are going good with Matt - he's in his first year of a Masters in Teaching program at Hamline and he's working as a para-professional in my old school district that I grew up in (yes the same one that has been under fire/in the media for all the gay teen suicides - Michele Bachmann's district). So he's in the middle of all of that, so it'd be fun to hear about the drama going on there between the faculty and administration if it weren't so serious because of the body count.
Work has really sucked lately and I've been putting in 60+ hours a week since August. I'm getting really burnt out. I could use a mini-vacation, so drum roll/clever segue...
Excited to go up to Duluth for a big ole gay bear event called Fur Flee this weekend. It's like OmegaCon but with all big gay guys. Still a big emphasis on food and drinking, but no emphasis on gaming and focus instead on partying/dancing/pool parties. It's a lot of fun - this will be me and Matt's third year in a row going. One nice thing is that MarsCon is a week later, so I can finally go back to MarsCon this year - haven't been since I started going to Fur Flee and they were always on the same weekend.