Title: Against the Dying of the Light Summary: Falling in love with a man you met at a hospice for the terminally ill isn't the smartest thing in the world to do, but Jim goes ahead and does it anyway. Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Somehow, Jim showing up at Spock's house ready for sex makes me think of the movie 'Love and Other Drugs' lol. It has pretty much the same premise except the heroin wasn't terminal but suffering from a degenerative disease instead. Does that make Jim the girl? ;p
Well, that's not a surprise. It's a rom-com/drama so it's more of a chick flick. I kind of think of it as the movie where 'sick people get horny too'. That's not to say it's a bad movie, it's really good in fact, kinda like your story here :)
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