cut me loose cuz i'm danglin' from your feet and it's pissing you off

May 26, 2003 02:01

saw the ring tonight. good good stuff.

perhaps more interestingly, i made a realization. i'm not 110% comfortable posting it, but i just kinda feel like getting it more off my chest. i realized that i put a WHOLE LOT of effort into friendships that have fallen through without giving enough time to the friendships that are strong and mutual. so basically, there are these friendships that are either dead or almost dead that i'm reviving or keeping alive all by myself, with no help from the other person at all. this has happened many times with several people and it still goes on. i don't know why i do it. i am pretty positive that without the efforts i make, there would be no interactions except because of mutual friends (if we have any). should i stop that? should i just forget about them? should i spend more time with/on the friends i feel like i maybe dont' spend enough time with? or should i keep trying? i dunno. i'm sorta stuck in the middle on it. though i feel like i definitely can't make them change and want to be my friend still. i feel like i'm forcing a square peg into a round hole. either way...

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