See, the biggest opening in history doesn't actually mean anything at all. It's all hype anyway, which, sadly, is what big-budget film-making has turned into now. Market the shit out of it, and it won't even matter if everybody hates it, because they'll all have seen it before they realise as much. Awesome.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Completely Irrelevant Subtitle )
And, to my surprise, now that time has passed I like it more than I initially thought I did. My reasons include:
- Mr Rush as Barbosa is, and always will be a treat to watch. Screw Depp, Rush oozes charisma and has a lovely presence on screen. (Excpet, perhaps, in Quills which I had to turn off after about 30 min. And I like Rush and Winslett AND the Marquis De Sade!)
- Ship porn. 'nuff said.
- Will Turner got interesting. Ok, maybe only at the VERY end but it was enough to make me go "huh... ok, maybe he's NOT a waste fo space."
- Did I mention ship porn?
- Kiera Knightly saw an orthodontist and got her terrible under-bit fixed. Oh wait, I only fantasized about that every time I saw her profile.
- Calypso. Lots of Calypso. Admittedly she was cooler before she went all "Attack of the 50 foot woman."
- Lastly, it's a movie based on a *ride* at Disneyland for goodness sakes. Admittedly, it's pretty damn gool that Disney used to script epic stories behind their rides back in the day, but still... It's a fluff movie that I don't think is trying to be anything other than a fluff movie with pirates and good costumes and pretty ships and entirely silly adventures and paper-thin plots. It's not high art and it's not pretending to be high art. I don't think it's even remotely trying to. It's just a bit of good fun meant to appeal to a wide audience, and I think that's ok.
I'm far more offended by the Star Wars prequels which DO think they're the best thing evar (tm) and take themselves much more serious than the Pirates series.
And I guess that's why I like this more than I thought. I keep comparing it to the second one rather than the first.
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