Son of Stupid Words I Hate

Feb 02, 2007 12:42


I am down with phrases like "forensic scientist" (somebody who does science things with evidence) and even "forensic pathologist" (someone who studies disease in a criminal context, although technically they are more about... synthetic diseases, such as Blunt Force Trauma...itis?). But the word "forensic", coming as it does from the Latin word forum, has everything to do with public debate (and thus, by extension, courts, prosecution and crime), and nothing at all to do with semen.

Is this a stigma thing? Is "forensics" a euphemism to stop the other boys making fun of the scientists?

SCIENCE IS NOT TO BE MOCKED, MY FRIENDS. I think you are just afraid of what you don't understand.

You mock science, science sense mockage. Science come at you like chain reaction.

words, science

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