Essentially, it comes down to the fact that Jeff and I spend far too much time together

Dec 22, 2005 01:28

Jeff:, basically, I just put all my levels into Improvisor, whereas you've branched out a bit.
Me: Yeah, I just maxed out my ranks in Perform.
Jeff: And Craft (Internets).
Me: You could have done with a few ranks in Diplomacy, but I hear that's a cross-class skill for you.
Jeff: Your Will save's pretty good.
Me: What are you talking about? My Will save's rubbish! Actually, all my saves are crap.
Jeff: True.
Me: Luckily I have a really good Int modifier. Those extra languages came in handy. All I need to do now is, every four levels, whack that extra point straight onto Charisma.
Jeff: My Charisma modifier is pretty much negated by all those ranks in Craft (Pun).
Me: It's not even a very useful skill.
Jeff: You're telling me! I have to make a Will save to avoid using it! And there's an increasing penalty every time!
Me: Don't forget the 1d4 points of subdual damage from your flatmates if you fail. Just count yourself lucky none of us has Stunning Blow.
Jeff: At least you can cast Web.
Jeff: I'm stuck with Hold Person and Charm Monster.

(this was much longer, I'm sure of it)

Then, later...

Jeff: Don't worry. One day your sword will find a scabbard. (This was actually logical in context, and not as thoroughly disgusting as it sounds. I promise.)
Me: I just have to stick with it!
Jeff: As long as you're not a rapier.
Me: !!
Jeff: You'll find a well-cut lass.
Me: She'd have to be a half-cut lass to find me attractive. Even then, her friends would probably try to sabre.
Jeff: Their plans would be foiled.
Me: I was trying to work in something about how you've been a foil to my humour. But I was, uh, foiled.
Jeff: That was the thrust of my argument.
Me: Suffice it to say, I was not epée.
Jeff: Don't worry, you're not a bastard.
Me: Actually, I'm pretty great. I just tend to focus on my feet of clay more than my good points.
Jeff: Yeah. I bet you could be a real hit with the ladies!
Me: A very palpable hit?
Jeff: Aha, what a riposte!
Me: ...
Jeff: ...
Me: I'm trying to think of something for "falchion", but it's not working.
Jeff: Oh, I can think of someth-

Some hours later:

Me: Jeff, are you awake?
Me: You know what feat you really need right now? Combat Casting Director!
Me: Jeff?

conversations, geekery

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