Process of a comic page

Jul 06, 2009 17:35

I wanted to share briefly the process i take in creating a comic page. Here is page 64 of the forthcoming 'Salt Water Taffy' Vol. 3, 'The Truth About Dr True'.
The first step (not included here) is the script. I write my script without too much structure, meaning I don't write the panel and page count as I go. I write it as if it is a movie or play script, with action descriptions that usually just make sense to me.

After the script is written I go through it and do the page layout. they are very quick and sketchy as you can see, and are for both compositional guides, pacing of the action, and for eventual page count.

Next I do the drawing based on the sketch. even this is rather loose since i tighten up in my inking process. I often do a fair amount of changing around from sketch to pencils. (note that i often do practice sketches of stuff i have to draw in the gutter of my pages on the left there.)

and the finished inks. I do most of my tight background detail just in the inking stage. I might do some loose layouts for position. In this sequence though, I did more planning in the pencils because of the dramatic lighting.

the truth about dr. true, salt water taffy, process, pages

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