Hey All :)
I Just found time to get online and tell you about Matt at C14! he is such a great guy! He remembered me from Manchester Gmex back in March!!! I was amazed, he even remebered what we spoke about (football).
He told me he shaved his hair off as soon as he had Ok from the potter bosses that no re-shoots were needed cause it was driving him mad. and Tom has kept his Draco hair cause he's kinda got used to it now :p Matt was at toms 21st birthday party last week.
We breifly talked about HBP he said as far as he knows the push back has nothing to do with eqqas and just cause they reckon they'll make more money next year, hes still not sen any of the footage but he's down at the studio in a few weeks so he's gonna try n sneak a peak at some clips.
oooh he also said he shot some promo's last week so hopefully they will be released soon!
and my photo
http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e386/Lainey_Carey/CM14_006.jpg Im no good at doing Tags so a link will have to do :) i am at work at the moment but i'll take a pic of my autograph when i get home and post it on here