RSS feeds for Matt!

Aug 21, 2008 01:47

Hey guys!

I just have kind of a drive by update regarding A lot of you have been asking about RSS feeds and if it would be possible to add one to the site. Since there was such a high demand for one, I set it all up. I don't have much experience with them so it's pretty basic. No images, links, etc will be displayed in the feed entry but it will serve as a way to keep you updated on when the site gets updated.

You can subscribe to the full feed by joining matthewlewisorg or using this link within your reader.

Alternately, there are two impartial versions of the feed available here (which will just keep you updated on when the site is updated) and here (which will subscribe you just to the new press archive).

I hope this is what you guys had in mind!

I already have several new sections and features for the site in the works (including building up the press archive, media vault, etc) but if you have any other ideas/suggestions, please just let me know! I'd really like to hear any feedback from you guys so I know what to focus on/work on first.

! fansites

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