Apr 13, 2004 21:08
Recently, I have been reading Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I at first believed this book is about how fast food is not only bad for ones health, but also about advertising. I am now reading about the meatpacking firms who supply the nation with it's meat. Throughout this section, I find myself more and more angry toward the bills written by republican in congress. Meatpacking is the highest risk job there is, not only do people die there, they lose fingers, heads, arms, legs, and most of all: their dignity. One agency trying to combat these poor working conditions is OSHA. What really pisses me off is all of the legislation that wants to take away power from OSHA, and reduce it to nothing. Granted most of the people working in these meatpacking firms are illegal immigrants or minorities who have no better method of income. I find it not only appalling, I find that I have a great disrespect for republican law makers. They are almost as greedy as the executives at these meatpacking firms who's motto is: "The first commandment is that only production counts... The employee's duty is to follow orders. Period. As I was repeatedly told, 'Do what I tell you, even if it is illegal...Don't get caught.'". If you want to discuss this w/ me, sure, but be warned, it won't be pretty.