SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!
is less than enthralling. But, to be fair, I'm the one who's choosing to stay in bed everyday until well past noon.
Back in the ol' NJ, I've been spending time with the family. The other day I went and saw my Grandma. She's on some new medication that makes long and detailed conversations quite possible again. She's the besterest. I brought in some CDs from the car and played them through the DVD player while my mom and I "hung out" with her. I put on "The Band" since I've been listening to them so much lately and my grandma recalled for me the "The Band" concert she went to in London with my parents decades ago. She lost her watch at the concert, so if any of your parents found a watch in Royal Albert hall a few decades ago you should probably let me know. I also had my Granny listen to Wilco and The Shins and Beck and The Life Aquatic Soundtrack.
I hung out with my good friend Wyatt and watched his dad's behemoth of a television and ate at a diner and had lots of good long conversation about just about everything. We'd be closer friends if I was willing to drop 15 bucks a month on a videogame. I think that this is funny.
I've also done some reading and some
guitar playing. Two frustrating issues in regard to guitar playing: 1. I don't know what I'm doing at all. 2. My computer doesn't like making mp3s anymore. On the plus side I've managed to write a significant amount of what I think is stand-up comedy. There's only one "joke" that I'm totally confident in, but you can't make an omelet without fucking up a lot of times first. Well, I can't anyway. I hate cooking. And omelets.
Well anyway, if you happen to be one of my friends who's in Florida sipping Killian's Red on the beach... You are lucky. It snowed a bunch today. Not that I left the house...
If you happen to be one of my friends in NJ... Care to get together for a jolly good time?
Lastly, Blind Justice is the shit. Did you see it when the guy tried to grab his gun? WHOA.