Sep 05, 2007 11:08
Yes, forever and a day and finally I am posting again.....
First day of college..well actually the second, but I didn't get up to the school until yesterday. I'm probably going to have to drop and add a class because there is no way I am dishing out $160 for a book o.0, I can't afford it. I wonder if I can CLEP this course since I already took it several years back *sigh*
There was a kid singing Christmas songs in the Computer Lab
My writing muses have decided to talk to me again -_-
And there are other things that happened and are happening that I may get into at a later date.
I seem to be in a better mind-set though..which I'm glad for.
I'm nervous about doing well this year, especially in Math, I miss the teacher from last semester(Not a word Kitsune).
Manga-wise I need to read the latest View finder gave me ideas. Yay for Fei-Long back story in Jail..I really wanted to know what happened during that time...I'm wondering if he was only in Jail for the same amount as Yoh...I'll have to go catch up on the boards later I suppose.
All right, I'm off.
I apologize again for being such a recluse and a some what shoddy friend and what not.
So how is everyone else