IMDB Meme for TV Shows.
Go to and look up 10 of your favorite TV shows.
Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks. (Or if there aren't three listed, use applicable keywords found on the site.)
Have your friends guess the show names.
Don't cheat when you give your guess! It spoils the fun!
1. Russian American, Prodigal Son, Mother Daughter Relationship - SIX FEET UNDER
2. Comic Book Shop, Accountant, Waitress - QUEER AS FOLK
3. Wheelchair, Self Discovery, Unrequited Love - SMALLVILLE
4. Dead Boyfriend, Mother Daughter Relationship, Martial Arts - Alias (guessed by
5. Mother Son Relationship, Loss of Father, Pot Smoking - WEEDS
6. New York City, Memory Loss, Villain - Heroes (guessed by
7. Neo Noir, Dead Sister, Rich Girlfriend - Angel (guessed by
8. Dead Girl, Alcoholic, Loss of Sister - Veronica Mars (guessed by
9. Tanktop, Sitcom, Asian Woman - Futurama (guessed by
10. Suicide, Stolen Car, Bowling - DEAD LIKE ME
11. Interracial Friendship, Femme Fatale, Cult Favourite - Firefly (guessed by
12. College, Peer Pressure, Homosexual Teenager - Buffy (guessed by
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