(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 13:20

Matt O’Berski
Ms. Harris
British Literature B
September 26, 2005
My Modest Proposal
It is a miserable sight to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see in the newspapers and on the internet statistics showing our lands overrun with poverty stricken people. These people, instead of being able to work for an honest living, are forced to use their time in search of food and drink for themselves, and possibly their helpless children, who as they grow have no choice but to follow the steps of those before them, turning into beggars, thieves or meaningless wanderers.
I assume it is obvious and agreed upon by all who have traversed our lands that such a large population of unfortunate citizens is merely another problem for our astute government to deal with; and, therefore, whoever could find out a fair, wise and reasonable method to make these people respectable, investing, useful members of the middleclass, would deserve such a favor from the public as to have a football field named after him and to never need pay heed to entrance fees and games.
But my purpose is far from being limited to supply merely for the apparent pitiable; it is of a much greater degree, and shall take care of the population of people crowding our streets at an early age begging for our scraps and charity.
As of myself, having tossed and turned in bed for many years upon this subject, and listened to the possible solutions given by many others, I have always found that their ideas lay somewhat flawed. It is true that a person can support him or herself for sometime with miniscule income after primary education, and perhaps even find occupation, but year after year people are tricked out of hard earned money, or charged outrageous prices for services, causing their toil to be in vain; and it is exactly at this point, when one has passed the age of education and entered the work force only to be thrown out, that I propose to provide for them in such a manner as instead of being charged upon themselves or a shelter, or wanting food and clothing for the rest of their lives, they shall on the contrary contribute to the peacekeeping, feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands.
There is also another benefit in my proposal, that it will prevent our honest government from being the punch lines of political jokes, mocked and jibed for their indecision and lack of action in the situation, and far too often is it among us that harsh words and foul language can be said toward men and women we elected.
The number of people in this country, usually reckoned three million
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