Jan 17, 2010 14:39
One thing I really like about writing is that I can go back and look at what I've written in the past and how I've changed. Or even how things stay the same. Back in June, I became a member at Christ Church, a little over 7 months ago. We sang In Christ Alone that day, right before I went up to do my membership vows, and it was so powerful.
Here is some of what I wrote: "All the worship songs seemed so powerful and perfect, describing my heart's longing to praise God and thank Him for bringing me to this point... It is a bit frustrating but so wonderful when you can't quite sing the words to a song you love so much because you are overwhelmed with emotion and tearful joy... It was such a joyful and memorable moment. I don't know why I had put this off, making an effort to be involved with the worship at church... I guess I don't like change and new things make me a bit apprehensive at first, but after realizing the joy of serving the church with music these last two weeks, I wish I had pursued it a lot sooner. Still, now that I am serving in this way, I do feel a joy that seems to have been missing for a while, and it is so perfect and beautiful to experience."
So today, we sang In Christ Alone. I know the words and the music well, I know what to expect, and we had practiced it earlier. Still, singing that song at the end of worship, after the sermon and communion, I'm glad I'm not hardened to it, that it can still strike me and leave me in tearful joy unable to quite get the words out as I looked for a few chords to play on the keyboard. Whether from my seat in the congregation seven months ago before I started playing with the worship team, or today sitting at the keyboard on stage, I'm still in awe of God's grace and what Jesus did for me on the cross. "Sin's curse has lost its grip on me! Bought with the precious blood of Christ! No guilt in life, no fear in death! No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand! Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!"
I pray that this will always be my attitude. That I won't lose that awe, that wonder of what God has DONE, and continues to do. I think in the past my problem has been the attitude that "I already know it all," (which obviously I don't, I'm still learning new things reading through the Bible and listening to the great preaching and teaching at church), but I hope that I will never stop longing, never stop clinging to God, and that I will believe His truths, that NOTHING will be able to separate me from His love.