The Thief by
Megan Whalen Turner My rating:
3 of 5 stars The writing style took some getting used to. I'm not used to first-person, and it drove me crazy that there were these huge blocks of unbroken text, mainly Gen's observations, without any dialogue. It's not a bad thing, because the content was easy to read and interesting, and Gen's a real cutie, I just wish the author had broken up the text in smaller paragraphs because it was hard for my eyes to follow. Not a big deal, just that the book took me a lot longer to get through than normal, because I kept losing my place when my eyes got tired!
The book was very fun, and I loved that nobody was who they first appeared to be. The characters that I got introduced to in the beginning of the novel, were very much strangers as I read through to the end. I don't know if these changes were do to the character evolving on their own or just showing their true colours or perhaps if my own perceptions of the of who I thought they were supposed to be that had changed as I progressed. Either way it was fun!
Loved the little twist at the end, one that I was secretly hoping for, one that now looking back I saw a few hints of. :D
I especially enjoyed the little ending dialogue, very cute!
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