I'm so mad! It's been hours, but I'm still so MAD!
I've been in the habit of waking up crazy early to go for a swim most mornings lately, and at the pool they play a radio station that I normally don't listen too. Which is fine, top 40's and all that. Whatever. I'm there to work out.
So today, as I finished a lap and stopped to breath for a bit, the topic of discussion was whether people prefer a male employer or a female one.
So. The general consensus was that men don't really care who they work for, whereas women overwhelmingly prefer to work under a male employer.
That is absolute crap.
(I also expressed this sentiment out loud, probably startling my fellow swimmers. What is this crazy little girl muttering so angrily about this fine Wednesday morning? Are you listening to this crap?!?!)
The two radio personalities, one male, the other female, were all like, I'm surprised, but not really, considering that according to our listeners, women in positions of authority are petty, backstabbing, bitchy, and who wants to work under that! Duh!
What. The. Fuck.
Okay, okay, I'll admit I've called my female employers bitches and the like in the past. Who hasn't, at one point or another, worked under a total asshole? But among the many things that the radio people are failing to take in to account or even acknowledge, is that women are held up to a different standard than men.
Yeah, my current boss is a total jackass, but if she were male, I would still feel the same. (Anyone who's that moronic, male or female, should be routinely publicly humiliated.)
Setting aside the issue that apparently men don't care who they work under (which is total bull shit, the men who were part of this so called "research" were probably just trying to be PC), in general, women who are competitive, tough, or strict are seen as backstabbing bitches. Whereas men with those same characteristics are seen as aggressive, ambitious, firm, stern and a whole other slew of strong, positive attributes.
Double standard, much?
There were a whole wack-load of emails, calls, from disgruntled employees who just wanted to complain about their bosses, who just happen to be female, involving a huge range of issues such as, you get more sympathy from a male boss (really, now?), women just want a male boss so they can sleep their way up to the top (who needs merit with I have tits? Clearly.), female bosses pick favourites (EVERYONE does that!) and just generally suck.
Are you kidding me?!? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
An asshole is an asshole. No matter the gender. I just hate that these people are using the fact that in the work place, to possess a double X chromosome, is to lack a soul. This kind of blatant sexism on the radio is sending the wrong message out to the public, that women don't belong in positions of authority. When in reality, most, if not all of the complaints voiced is not an acurate reflection of how their employers actually DO THEIR JOB. You know, qualifications and all that other important stuff?
It's sexist and instead of encouraging callers and listeners to perpetuate the stereotype that women who are in a position of authority are petty bitches, the radio station should bring to the forefront that the increasingly prevalent wage gap between men and women is in large part attributed to a lack of women in senior management positions. And this sort of biased attitude towards female employers is not going to help win one for Equality.
Sure, keep bitching about how women shouldn't be the boss. I mean, that is if you WANT to keep making 20% less than a man working the same position. Who needs a dollar, if you can have 80 cents?
In Canada anyway. Another fun fact: In Canada, just over 60% of women (very high!) are part of the work force. Yet only about a third of those women are in senior management positions. Huh.
In unrelated news, yesterday I went to Chapters, and played around with the Kobo, and I really, really want it! It's a lot smaller than I thought, super light, and I don't need all the bells and whistles that come with the other eReaders, so it's perfect for me. My only complaint is that load time is higher than expected, as well as the time it takes to turn a page. So I'm not sure if I should hold out for the second generation, which could be awhile, considering the Kobo just came out last month. Hmmm, decisions, decisions!