i may be cultured

Mar 06, 2007 01:27

I just got back from a lecture on Euler in DC at the swiss embassy. It was pretty cool thats for sure! I had a great time talking to my teacher on the ride there and back. And I did a good job at not talking too much about weird things. David is comming on thursday I am so excited, I just have to finish all this 311 first. And I'm not even thinking about the take home tests I will have...YUK! I am impulse buying a threadless teeshirt. woops? This is what happens when I have to sit and wait for my laundry to dry I guess. I wish that my phone alarm would have m/w/f or tu/th options instead of just weekend or weekday. DAMN THAT MOUSE, I hear it eating stuff in the trash! VIETNAM?! I hope!
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