and i used to love volvos so much

Apr 18, 2006 11:57

i was in austin for a day. for my dad's birthday and for easter. before i headed back up i had to go to a couple different doctors, and stopped by my mechanic before i left because my car was acting funny.
he couldn't find anything wrong with it so i went on my way. i managed to make it a little more than half way (about the same place i was stuck when my tire blew out a couple months ago) when my car started to shake and make lots of noise. to make a long story short, i sat in two different gas stations for a long time, and waited for the insurance company to call about a tow truck, and ended up havine lee pick me up, and my car is still sitting in the parking lot of a gas station in alvarado, texas.
i'm getting a new car this summer.

yesterday was sponsored by the number 2.
2 doctors (optomotrist and orthodontist)
2 mechanics (neither of which could figure out what was wrong with my car if anything)
2 gas stations
2 cars (my sister and parents are splitting one for her graduation, and i'm selling mine and buying a new one)

oh, and it took me 8 hours to get to denton. ridiculous.
ha ha, and my mechanic called my parents this morning to see if my car made it OK.
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