Dec 04, 2005 12:40
Ok so i know I havent updated in a while. To be honest I didnt think anyone really read mine anymore, but i did get a few comments the last time which wsa really nice of them. Anywho, basically I'm just kinda meandering through life right now. I think I've gotten to the point in my life where I am actaully taking the time to smell the roses and truly appreciate life in general. Which is a stark contrast to my previously obsessed about grades attitiude that I forgot time ticked on. This brings me to the point that I have no idea where 21 years of my life just went. Somewhere between now and approximately 11,014,560 minutes ago I apparently grew up and became the person I am today. Which I am personally proud of. I am mature in someways, annoying in others, unexperinced in still others, yet overall knowledgable and I hope a pretty decent guy. I have many aquantences and a lot of very close friends, at least thats my hope. I still believe that I am changing on a constant basis as I encounter new ideas, ne people, and new experiences, and I thinkthats true of all. So why can't we all cut each other sme slack every once ina while, and recognize that though we are busy and complex, that we take time to realise those things that are important to us. Becasue god forbid, it could be taken away in as little time as it takes for one breath or one footstep. As much as I preach this to all, I find it also hard to deal with in my own life. Personal issues with my fahter have reigned supreme in the past few weeks, as I really weigh the importance of him in my life. I know that without him I would not be here today, nor without his issues that I would be the same person I am today. However, I think the realization is, that although he angers me, and far from the perfect father, he's still my dad. But I find it hard to talk to him on any sort of common ground, and this both irritates me and makes me angry at him, and I just can't see past that to make my relationship with him worthwhile. I'm sure this issue will be the bane of my existance for a while to come, yet the question always begs, if he weren't here today how would I feel? and the answer is different.