There are a handful of characteristics that one does not so much achieve, but rather, in some form or fashion, has thrust upon himself. In fact, these same characteristics possess a degree of irony to them. If we pursue them too intensely, we pass the zenith of the bell curve (a word I used purosefully to sound smart now looking back, it's just the top. See how elusive humility is? And just now I thought I was humble for drawing your attention to that... etc..) and we begin to spiral away from the thing itself.
Nothing is more unattractive than when an individual attempts to subtly imply that they are humble. They become frustrated with the fact that no one else is openly commenting on their achievements, and so they attempt to do so as an aside, or as if commenting on something that is out of the norm when they believe it to be very much within the norm. They are simply stating it as such to avoid openly commenting on their humility or intelligence for they innately know that pride is not good. Like a little boy who says WOW loudly at something he's done, then repeats his wow as if it's the first time when others are nearby.
We are innately prideful. This very entry may be a prime example of the thing I am attempting to condemn. My pride is difficult to escape from.