Jun 02, 2006 16:25
Many a fortnight has passed since I wrote anything, and though it's not really much of a travesty, I imagine it's less than awesome. After all, the purpose of having a livejournal is to write, like the purpose of food is to nourish. I suppose for some time now I have not been feeding the journal. Whether or not that parallel rings true, I don't really know. Or if it's even a parallel rather than an analogy or metaphor. The main reason for the stagnation has been my constant sitting in front of a computer screen all day long at work. This makes it difficult to return home and do the same thing once I arrive there. Until the day comes when I can actually have a helmet that I put on and it takes in my thoughts and scribes them down with appropiate punctuation and etc., it seems this will have to continue to be the way I do this. Or, I can try and surreptitiously do it, like right now, at work. I suppose that may be less than good. oh well. Frankly, Eevee and I are done for the day at work.