oh wait. I meant to say Resolution. Oh well. Here is a random one that I definitly plan on doing.
In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Point and laugh more.
Get your resolution here Other random resolutions I have made for myself:
Cut down the amount of sodas I drink.
Drink more water.
Start sleeping regularly.
Start EATING regularly. (e.i. Three meals a day)
Exercise more often.
Put on some weight, I am way too skinny.
Cut down my smoking and eventually stop.
Go to class.
Pay attention in class.
Not get kicked out of Blount.
Keep my grades up, and raise my GPA.
Be nicer to everyone.
Stay sane this semester.
Go home a little more often.
Hang with Tyler more often.
Be there when my sister gives birth.
Shank someone in the Blount lobby.
Okay. Back from Montgomery. It was a lot of fun. Andrew forgot to ask his parents so I stayed with Callie and Lindsey. It was a lot of fun. We ran out of cash so we had a picnic Tuesday. The whole New Year's trip was amazing. I had so much fun but at the same time I am glad to be home now. I missed sleeping in my own bed. Unfortunatly I did not get to see Austin or Michele. My phone died the second day I was gone so I had no charger and could not call anyone. Oh well. I'll be back home in Tuscaloosa in a few days and I can see all my wonderful friends then.