so what does it mean...

Jul 25, 2007 15:40

when your doc calls you up and says "we've had a cancellation for tomorrow, is there any way you can come then? it's important we see you sooner than later."???

does that mean there's something to be worried about? i'd tend to think if they were going to give good news, they would've dropped it over the phone.

i know my latest round of bloodwork showed some anomalies, but havne't heard squat about the magnetube results.

(in all fairness, it wasn't a tube so much as a "slot". a slot that the top of covered the entirety of my peripheral vision such that it... yup... may as well have been a freakin' tube.

i managed to fall asleep in said "omg 100db of death!" machine during all four of the scans.

100db is nuthin. i have speakers that'll push that at 1khz with no more than 1/2w driving them.
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