Dec 05, 2004 23:33
Good evening all. Well actually...I can really only think of one, possibly two people who still read this crap. Oh well. Well..right now its aboot 11:15 and I'm still not ready for my 8:00 AM chemistry exam tomorrow morning. But the fun doesn't stop there. That exam goes from 8 til 10 and then at 10:30 I have a lovely calc exam. "Oh Joy" is the only possible way to express my sentiments for school right now. I really can't wait to go home for Christmas break. Its not that I dispise being here, but I'd just prefer to be home. I miss all my friends a ton. And its not that I don't like the people here, its just that I'm not close with anyone here like I was back home. But then again, I've know those people for how long? The people here I just met two months ago, so I guess this feeling is to be expected. Oh well... My grades this quarter suck big balls, so hopefully next quarter they'll be up a whole lot more. If I plan on having a future they better be, at least. Although sometimes I wonder what it would be like to just not do anything with ones life. To simply, exist. I think it would get rather boring after a while. The same thing with having everything you wanted, and not having to work for it. Pretty soon, you'd run out of things to want. Its a good feeling to earn something rather than just recieve it. I mean don't get me wrong...I like simply getting something, well save for aids, but most things I do like to get. But when you earn something, it gives you a good feeling. And while I'm thinking of it, I'll apologize for my rambling. My thoughts aren't exactly coherent (sp?) but I'm simply typing them as they come to mind. I do wish more people read this though. Well not really that, just that more people were interested in what I have to say. Most people pretend to care, but in all actuality, they're just waiting for their turn to speak. That gets on my nerves. I like a person who listens to you and when you're done speaking is quiet, and thinks about what you said. But thats me, maybe I'm wierd. Actually I know I am...but what would the world be like with all normal people? It would be like that movie "pleasentville." And that my friends, would definitly be quite a drag. On a compeletly different note, have you ever watched someone chug a beer? Well I know I have and whenever I watch someone do it, for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I always hold my breath til they're done. I have no clue why, and its funny. After they finish I deeply inhale and think to myself...why in the world were you holding your breath? Speaking of beer, last night I was at a frat house just chillin there (there was no party, just a few people chillin and drinking) and this bitch and her guy friend where leaving and I heard a dudes voice and then a girl say ok, and I turned around and this bitch walked off with my unopened beer. I heard the dude say good job. I mean what the hell? If she would have asked, I most likely would have just given it to her. I mean by that time I had probably already had a good 12 or 13. So after I realized they stole it, I called out the dude but he just walked away. So I sat there for a minute than chased after him. Well by the time I caught up to him he had already acumulated several friends, larger than me I might add. But I was drunk so I called him out anyways, but he didn't want to fight me. Now I know to most people this seems very stupid, and it is. But if you don't think its stupid, I'll tell you why I did it. It wasn't over the fact that they took my beer, it was just a single beer. It was the principle of the issue. You don't take another person's shit. No matter what it is. Oh well, lets keep the past where it belongs. Hmm...I should probably take my own advice. Lately I can't help thinking about Ashley. And not the fact that I liked her. Because I do believe I'm over that. I just miss the part of her being my best friend, and genuinly giving a shit about what I had to say. least she did in the begining. Today I was reading some of our past conversations (yes I know I'm a loser for saving conversations, but I save most of my conversations) and it made me sad. I no longer was in contact with one of the coolest people I've ever met. Knowing someone actually cares about you and wants to hear how you are and talk to you is one of the greatest things in the world...especially when you know they don't have to. Some people might argue that, "well, what about your family?" And to that I say, no, they have to care, even if they would anyways, they have to care. Before Ashley, no one had shown such simple interest in what I had to say. Everyone else wasn't listening to me, they were simply waiting for their turn to speak. And like I said...that gets on my nerves. Well, on a completely different note, why is it so hard to write a two page paper, but I can ramble on forever about meaningless shit? If I could put this much effort into an english paper, I'd be getting an A in the class. Come to think of it though, writing this crap doesn't really require that much effort. Just the effort it takes to make the keystrokes. Writing this also makes me ask why I do? If I know no one is going to read this why write? I guess I'll think of that answer when I cure cancer. Well, I think thats it for tonight. To all of those who don't read this....why not? And to the handful of people who glance at it ocasionally, keep up the good work. I'll be back for more...don't you fret.