There's something wrong with my brain.

Jul 29, 2005 11:02

For three nights now, I've had trouble sleeping.

I'm not going to go so far as to say this is insomnia. I've had that before, and this is different. In the last three nights, I haven't slept at all. You can't assume there's a problem after one sleepless night. Two nights without sleep doesn't mean anything, either. Two points is a line, and not a pattern. I tried taking a nap yesterday, but didn't get too much out of it. After three nights without sleep, you've got a problem. Like the subject says, there's something wrong with my brain.

Erin used to say that I have a hamster running on a little excersise wheel in my brain. She said she could hear the wheel calnging around in my brain. Eventually, the hamster got lonely, and now there are two hamsters running on two wheels in opposite directions. And I really wish they'd take a break and let me get some sleep.

It's not any one thing keeping me awake. I'm not anxious about anything. Alyssa makes me happy. Getting good grades is making me happy. Kelly going to the college of her choice makes me happy. Bowling a 179 two weeks ago still makes me happy, even though I've averaged about 105 since. Having Wayne back in the United States makes me happy. And having a winning record in rap battles and break dance serving matches makes me happy. Things have been going so well for me lately that I half expect Batgirl to walk into the library where I'm typing this to hand me a seven-leafed clover and a bagel with creamcheese. The gist of all this is, I've got nothing to worry about right now.

So why can't I sleep?

Like I said, there's something wrong with my brain. Maybe someone switched the hamsters's water for coffee. Maybe it's because I've had "Walk Like an Egyptian" stuck in my head. That song has definately overstayed its welcome. It might just be an anomaly. Whatever it is, enough is enough and I'd really like to sleep well tonight.

I'm assuming there's something going on in my mind that I'm just not completely aware of, and that this is the cause. Like, maybe I'm forcing myself to stay awake and acknowledge the problem, or conflict, or whatever it is. But really, there's only petty conflict going on with me at all. Save for losing respect for a couple of friends, the only regret I have right now is that I don't think anyone is going to want to see "Stealth" with me.

I want to see "Stealth" so I can laugh at it. Not with it.

I've mentioned my peculiar sleeping habits before. Some day, I'd like to tape record an entire night's sleep and see if I really do mumble gibberish or proclaim myself to be king of the Jews, or else warn others that they can't defeat the monster by themselves.

Right now, though, I'm just really sleepy. Wish me luck on my quiz in half an hour.

There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling. Maybe..... ())[crayon]))>
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