Jul 18, 2005 13:58
Uneventful weekend.
I went to the Harry Potter opening on Friday because, honestly, I had nothing better to do. I was there about half an hour before midnight, and the place was so full of people that I couldn't find any gaps in the aisles to walk through. I got a ticket to wait in line---I was number 984---grabbed a comic book trade-paperback and sat down to read. It wasn't until 1AM that I actually got my book. At least it was better than watching "Pimp My Ride" reruns.
New episodes of Pimp my Ride are always fun to watch, but reruns are just painful.
I went bowling with Forrest, Phil and Jen on Saturday night. I shot a 179. That's my all time high score. All I have to do is recreate the feat and I will get my exemption from Bowling. Forrest and I bowled about five games, long after Phil and Jen went home. After the 179, I felt like goofing around. We took turns trying to throw the Epic Purple ball (16lbs, thrown, chance on hit: your next two balls will carry points over to this frame) and putting massive, almost ludicrous spin on the thing. It was fun to watch.
After bowling, Forrest invited me to join him and Kyle at Leon Pub or whatever it's called. Scott Miller also joined us. That was a good night. Forrest introduced us to a couple of beers that I'd never tried, and I now regard him as a sort of enthusiast, or expert, in excellent beers.
That's pretty much all I've been up to. Kelly went to both Dave Matthews Band concerts over the weekend at West Palm. I've read about three or four hundred pages of the new Harry Potter book and am enjoying it very much. I've just got to beat Kelly to the end of the book. That's not my goal for the week, though. My goal for the week is to break 200 at bowling. Now that I know obscenely high scores are possible after lousy first rounds, I'm determined to break the 200 mark.
I haven't been seeing a lot of movies in theaters lately. The only one I've caught since coming back to school was War of the Worlds, and from what I've heard, I'm better off that way. Still, though, I'd probably enjoy laughing at how awful Fantastic Four is, or how much of a stretch Will Farrel makes in playing a type-cast actor in Bewitched.
Oh well.