May 07, 2006 17:55
the last 3 summers:
Songs of:
2003 - The General, by Dispatch
2004 - All of This, Blink 182
2005 - The Stone, Dave Matthews Band
Boys/Girls of:
2003 - Erin
2004 - Erica
2005 - Alyssa
Cities of:
2003 - Tallahassee. o_o
2004 - Tallahassee. o_0
2005 - Tallahassee. ><
Best Memories of:
2003 - The Marlins were World Champions
2004 - Sir Robin's Minstrels
2005 - Israel
Worst Memories of:
2003 - The end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2004 - The end of Angel
2005 - The last good episode of The West Wing
Movies of:
2003 - Two Towers
2004 - Return of the King
2005 - Sin City
One thing you could change?
2003 - Saying goodbye
2004 - Start getting good grades NOW
2005 - Take one more crim class!