Feb 25, 2005 16:44
Well over the summer, I went to this Leadership conference thingy! It was really cool! I was looking through the "study guide" today and I wanted to share some quotes/facts that you might enjoy!
"All known knowledge will double every 17 months!"
"There has to be a time when the boy/girl sits down and the man/woman stands up!"
"The average adult forgets 80-85% of what they read or hear in 24 hours if they do not write it down!" (that's why i do bad in english!LOL)
"88%of all those 29+under in this country does not attend church."
"That which is above knows what is below, but those that are below may never know what is above!"
"I am only as successful as the people around me."-John Maxwell
"For the average female, they fall in "love" about 10 times in their lifetime!"
"What I do today determines my tomorrow."
"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it."
"If I don't take myself seriously, then no one else will!"
Well there are many many more! But I will save them for another time! Hope they encourage you like they did me!